Search for artifacts

8 April, 2021
Scientists of Zone announced the search for artifacts! For the purposes of the scientific experiment, only artifacts of the "alpha" group and only the pickups are counting; all the collected artifacts stalkers are free to use as they want.
Only the first pick up of an artifact is counting, while artifacts that stalkers themselves threw doesn't count.
The following artifacts of the "alpha" group are of interest to scientists: Screen, Pillow, Shield, Resin, Stabilizer, Vezuvius, Haze, Heater, Conductor. 
The first 20 stalkers in the top of three servers (RU, PvP, PvE), who will make the most pickups from 00:00 on 10.04.21 to 23:59 on 11.04.21 (Moscow time), will receive the prize:
"A-Zone" Pin - 50 pcs.
Good luck!