The contest of videos

14 April, 2017

The new patch was uploaded to all servers. Someone has tasted new features already, others just start to explore them.
First video reviews are already in the network.
We're waiting for new ones!

We're renewing the contest of videos.
Best videos will be published in the official group and on the official sZone-online channel. Authors of the selected videos will receive 1,000 gold per account.
Of course we will consider quantity of "likes" of the video at the selection, but the final decision remains after the developers.

It can be a serious review, a comic sketch or a clip. You're limited only by your imagination and the rules of VK official group.
Be not afraid to point out shortcomings, we always welcome constructive criticism.
We're look forward to your videos!
Share them in this thread:

We will sum up first results on Monday, April 24.
Good luck and inspiration to all!