Vepr-12 Shotgun
Level: 5
Weight: 4.3 кг.
Durability: 500000

The main advantage of "Vepr-12" is its high deliverable rate of fire which together with the 12th calibre gives a great fire power potential. Another very significant feature of smooth-bore "Vepr-12" is its high durability. This gun can undoubtedly be considered one of the strongest semi-automatic shotguns in the world (influenced by the structural integrity of RPK machine gun). To use the weapon without proper profession, you need base skill "Shotguns V".

Rate of fire 4
Range 60
Damage 30
Armor-piercing 0
Spread 0.015

Ammo: 12/76 0000 , 12/76 Bullet , 12/76 00 , 1.5V , 12/76 RB , 12/76 OP , 12/76 0000

Tags: No

In-game cost: 565700 Silver

55 USD